
  • Created by: LilyF24
  • Created on: 09-06-19 17:28
What is Utilitarianism known as?
The greatest happiness principle
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What does utilitarianism urge to do?
create the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people
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Name one utilitarian whose ideas have gained great popularity in recent years
Peter Singer
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What did Bentham equate happiness with?
He equated it with pleasure and the absense of pain
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What sort of observation did bentham make?
Empirical [using what he can see in the world - evidence in reality]
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How was this an empirical observation?
Bentham could see that people desire pleasure and seek to avoid pain
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What did Bentham think we should do before deciding what choice to make?
We should carefully measure the possible consequences or outcomes of that action beforehand
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What did Bentham's theories lead to in society?
extensive social reform affecting parliament, criminal law, the jury system, prisons, cheap postage, saving banks etc
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What did Bentham's theories result in? [for Law making]
It resulted in all people being considered when making a law
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What did his felicific calculus do?
It was helpful in determining how to measure different amounts of pleasure
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What was the felicific calculus also known as?
The 'hedonic' or 'utility' calculus
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The felicific calculus can be understood by using the acronym 'RPRICED', what does the R mean?
The remoteness - how near it is
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What does the P mean?
Purity - how free from pain it is
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What does the R mean?
Richness - to what extent it will lead to other pleasures
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What does the I mean?
The intensity - how powerful it is
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What does the C mean?
Certainty - how likely it is to happen
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What does the E mean?
Extent - how many people it affects
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What does the D mean?
Duration - how long the happiness lasts
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does utilitarianism urge to do?


create the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people

Card 3


Name one utilitarian whose ideas have gained great popularity in recent years


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Bentham equate happiness with?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What sort of observation did bentham make?


Preview of the front of card 5
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