
What is the principle of Utility?
Greatest Good for the Greatest Number.
1 of 5
What is the Hedonic Calculus?
The calculator used to measure if an action will bring the greatest amount of pleasure.
2 of 5
What are the 7 elements of the Hedonic Calculus?
1-Remoteness 2-Purity 3-Richness 4-Intenisty 5-Certainty 6-Extent 7-Duration
3 of 5
What is Act Utilitarianism?
The idea that we should seek to maximise the greatest utility in every situation.
4 of 5
What is Rule Utilitarianism?
A series of rules (compared to the Highway Code) focused on establishing the common good and utility.
5 of 5

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Card 2


The calculator used to measure if an action will bring the greatest amount of pleasure.


What is the Hedonic Calculus?

Card 3


1-Remoteness 2-Purity 3-Richness 4-Intenisty 5-Certainty 6-Extent 7-Duration


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The idea that we should seek to maximise the greatest utility in every situation.


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Card 5


A series of rules (compared to the Highway Code) focused on establishing the common good and utility.


Preview of the back of card 5


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