Useful phrases for speaking

  • Created by: phoebe140
  • Created on: 02-11-17 11:35
Ésta es una buena pregunta
That’s a good question
1 of 39
No lo sé exactamente pero
I don’t know exactly but
2 of 39
Nunca he pensado en eso pero
I’ve never thought about that but
3 of 39
Como ya sabes
As you (already) know
4 of 39
¿Cómo te lo explico?
How should I explain it?
5 of 39
6 of 39
First of all
7 of 39
Para mí
As far as I’m concerned
8 of 39
Me parece..
It seems to me
9 of 39
Al fin y al cabo
At the end of the day
10 of 39
En serio
In all seriousness
11 of 39
La verdad es que
As a matter of fact
12 of 39
Es una cuestión de gusto
It’s a matter of taste
13 of 39
Es una cuestión de tiempo
It’s a matter of time
14 of 39
Es decir
That is to say, I mean, in other words
15 of 39
Y además
And furthermore, and what’s more
16 of 39
Eso es por qué
That’s why
17 of 39
Vamos a hablar de otra cosa
Let’s talk about something else
18 of 39
Vamos a cambiar de tema
Let’s change the subject
19 of 39
Y una cosa más
And one more thing
20 of 39
Casí se me olvidó (decirlo)
I almost forgot to say
21 of 39
¿Y tú, qué piensas?
And you, what do you think?
22 of 39
Él/ella dijo que …
S/he said that
23 of 39
Me dijo mi amigo/a que…
My friend said that
24 of 39
La gente dice siempre que..
People always say that
25 of 39
Mi profe dijo algo como
My teacher said something like
26 of 39
Me han dicho que
I’ve heard that
27 of 39
Supongo que
I suppose that
28 of 39
Podría ser…
It could be..
29 of 39
A lo mejor
30 of 39
¿Por qué no?
Why not?
31 of 39
Esto es discutible
That’s a matter of opinion
32 of 39
Hasta cierto punto
To a certain extent
33 of 39
No me lo creo
I don’t believe it
34 of 39
Esto queda por verse
That remains to be seen
35 of 39
¡Cien por ciento!
A hundred percent
36 of 39
¡Sin duda!
Without doubt/absolutely
37 of 39
38 of 39
¡Estoy de acuerdo!
I agree
39 of 39

Other cards in this set

Card 2


I don’t know exactly but


No lo sé exactamente pero

Card 3


I’ve never thought about that but


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


As you (already) know


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


How should I explain it?


Preview of the back of card 5
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