Unit 3 Biology

  • Created by: Imran
  • Created on: 25-04-13 17:37
Species can adapt to their environment to make them more likely to survive
E.g. A polar has white fur inn order to keep camouflaged from their prey. They also have thick fur to keep warm.
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Individuals from the same species can have variations
One cause of this is a mutation in the DNA, this creates new characteristics
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Living things show genetic variation so they are not all the same
Living organisms must compete for limited resources so it's the survival of the fittest
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Life on Earth began around 3500 million years ago
The first organism was very simple but as time went on it became more complex
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Evolution can produce new species
Some species can interbreed creating a new line of DNA
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Evidence for Evolution include:
1) Fossil records show changes between two of the same species (More complex over time) 2) Dna controls the charecteristics of an organism and so scientists can look at changes in DNA from an early stage to the present day and compare the two
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Biodiversity is important
Maintaining Biodiversity
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Why are species becoming extinct?
Human activity (Both direct and indirect). This could cause a break in the food chain which could create further extinctions
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Non living indicators
-Temperature - CO2 levels - Nitrate levels
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Living indicators
- Lichen: Air pollution by measuring amount of sulfur dioxide (If a lot of lichen it means less Sulfur) - Mayfly Nymph: Sensitive to oxygen levels (If a lot of them in water, it indicates water is clean) - Phytoplankton: Nirate = More
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Card 2


One cause of this is a mutation in the DNA, this creates new characteristics


Individuals from the same species can have variations

Card 3


Living organisms must compete for limited resources so it's the survival of the fittest


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Card 4


The first organism was very simple but as time went on it became more complex


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Card 5


Some species can interbreed creating a new line of DNA


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