unit 1 e

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 08-01-23 10:09
what is ATP
the body's energy source
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factors of the ATP-PC system
Phosphocreatine is a high-energy compound
When you split this compound this produces energy and this is enough energy to make another ATP molecule, Lasts between 8-10 seconds of high-intensity exercise, 2-3 minutes of recovery time, Energy is created by t
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factors of the lactic acid system
anaerobic- no oxygen, glycolysis-break down of glucose without the presence of oxygen, 1 glucose= 2 ATP, Glycogen= stored glucose, 1 glycogen=3 ATP, Last 1-2 minutes of high intensity exercise and has a recovery of 2-3 hours
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factors of the acerbic system
this is used when exercising below 80% heart rate,
With the presence of oxygen,
Produced in the mitochondria,
Glucose + O2 -> 38 ATP +CO2 + H2O + heat, Fatty acids + O2 -> 129ATP + CO2 + H2O + heat, recovery time few hours to 2-3 days and Used to provi
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what are the 3 stages of the aerobic system
Stage one-Glycolysis: breakdown of glucose with oxygen- produces 2 ATP- by-product is pyruvate
Stage 2-krebs cycle: produces 2ATP- by-products carbon dioxide and hydrogen
Stage 3 electron transport chain ETC- produces 34 ATP- H2O is a by-product
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Adaptations of each energy system
Increased in creatine stores
Latic acid system
Increase anaerobic enzymes
Increase lactate tolerance
Aerobic system
Increased mitochondria/glycogen + fat
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adtional factors of energy systems
• Hyperglycaemic-Blood sugar levels is too high
• Hypoglycaemic- Blood sugar levels is too low
• Type 1 and type 2
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Card 2


factors of the ATP-PC system


Phosphocreatine is a high-energy compound
When you split this compound this produces energy and this is enough energy to make another ATP molecule, Lasts between 8-10 seconds of high-intensity exercise, 2-3 minutes of recovery time, Energy is created by t

Card 3


factors of the lactic acid system


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Card 4


factors of the acerbic system


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Card 5


what are the 3 stages of the aerobic system


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