Unit 1 Criminology

  • Created by: Ellen122
  • Created on: 25-03-21 15:25
Advertisement such as billboards, leaflets, newspapers and television adverts
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Personal Reasons for Unreported Crime
May fear for themselves or their family
Shame and embarrassment, the victim may not want anyone to know they were vulnerable and unable to protect themselves
Disinterested as the victim may not care and may feel the police would be disinterested too
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Social and Cultural Reasons for Unreported Crime
Lack of knowledge that the act is a criminal offence so it goes unreported
Crime may be too complex as the public don't understand a crime has been committed or who has committed the crime
The media do not report about the crime
The public may not be conc
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Social Networking
Reach a large number of people
Older generation may not have the means or ability to access it
Ice bucket challenge
Stop Hate UK
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Easy to create
Lots of information
Time-consuming to update and post regualarly
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Sarah's Law
The Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme 2011
Sarah's mother campaigned for the legal right to task police formally if someone who has access to their child has a record for child sex offences
Sarah Payne was abducted and killed by Roy Whiting who had pre
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Double Jeopardy
Criminal Justice Act 2003
Removed the law in which an individual can only be tried for the same crime twice
Changed after the murder of Julie Hogg whose killer Billy Dunlop was tried twice and than admitted to a prison guard he had killed her
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Snowdrop Campaign
Firearm (Ammendment) Act 1997
Banned handguns above .22 calibre and restricted smaller calibre weapons to secure gun clubs
Changed after a legal gun owner in Dunblane walked into a primary school killing 16 year ones and their teacher in 1996
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The Ripple Effect
The impact of the crime spreads beyond the immediate victim
Other family members such as children
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Cultural Differences
Actions are criminal/deviant in one culture may be normal in another
Causes crime to go unreported or not be recognised as a crime
Witchcraft and Kristy Bamu
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Crime may not be reported as people feel the actions should not be illegal
Certain drugs
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Legal Change
When a crime goes unreported for a long time it can be percieved as a human right or as a social norm
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Changing Public Concerns and Attitudes
Media focuses on a particular crime it may cause the publice to become more concerned about it
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Perception of Crime Trends
They may believe the rate of crime or of a certain crime is increasing
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Media reports may make people build a stereotype of what a criminal looks like
Young adults weaing a hoodie carrying a knife
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Response to Crime and Type of Punishment
Increase the punishment or decrease the punishment
London Riots
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Change Priorities and Emphasis
Shift what the public, police and government believe are priority crimes
Knife crime
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Card 2


Personal Reasons for Unreported Crime


May fear for themselves or their family
Shame and embarrassment, the victim may not want anyone to know they were vulnerable and unable to protect themselves
Disinterested as the victim may not care and may feel the police would be disinterested too

Card 3


Social and Cultural Reasons for Unreported Crime


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Social Networking


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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