unit 1 b

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 06-10-22 09:25
what is smooth muscle
found in the internal organs and blood vessels - this is involuntary
1 of 19
what is cardiac muscle
found only in the heart - this is involuntary- a high proportion of mitochondria
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what is skeletal muscle
attached to the skeleton - this is voluntary
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what is the agonist
The muscle that creates the force
Prime mover
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what is the antagonist
The muscle that is on the opposite side of the antagonist
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what is the synergist
Help the agonist
the muscle(s) that stabilises a joint around which movement is occurring
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what is the fixator
The muscle that holds the joint in place to allow movement to happen
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what is a isometric contraction
muscle tenses
stays the same length
joint angle stays the same
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what is a concentric contraction
Muscle shortens under tension
Origin and insertion move closer
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what is a eccentric contraction
Muscles lengths under tension
Due to gravity
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what are the responses to exercise
Muscles become more pliable and more stretchy as muscle temperature increases
Increase in blood supply to the muscles= more O2=more energy
The build-up of lactic acid
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what is the aerobic adaptations to exercise
More mitochondria means more energy
Increase in Myoglobin which transports oxygen in the muscle Store and use more fuel for example carbohydrates and better fats
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what is the anaerobic adaptations to exercise
Increase strength and size (hypertrophy)
Tendons strength increases
Increase energy
Increase lactic acid tolerance
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describe what happens in the upward phase of a press up
Agonist- pectorals- concentric
Antagonist- latissimus dorsi concentric
Synergist- triceps concentric
Fixator- deltoid isometric
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describe what happens in the downward phase of a press up
Agonist- pectorals- eccentric
Antagonist- latissimus dorsi eccentric
Synergist- triceps eccentric
Fixator- deltoid isometric
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what are the responses to exercise
Muscles become more pliable and stretcher as muscle temperature increases
Increase in blood supply to the muscles= more O2=more energy
The build-up of lactic acid
Muscle micro fibre tear
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what is the all or nothing law
Once the brain sends an electrical input has been sent, every muscle fibre at the end of that neuron contracts
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what are the different type of muscle fibres
type 1, 2A and 2X
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additional factors that affect muscles
Increased age = reduced muscle mass
cramp-involuntary muscle spasm
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is cardiac muscle


found only in the heart - this is involuntary- a high proportion of mitochondria

Card 3


what is skeletal muscle


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the agonist


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the antagonist


Preview of the front of card 5
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