unit 1 a

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 08-12-22 10:16
list the vertebrae in order top to bottom
1 of 12
what are the types of bones
long, short, flat ,sesamoid and irregular
2 of 12
what is the axial skeleton
the main function of the skeleton (protection)
3 of 12
what is Scoliosis
abnormal curve and twisting of the spine- a front on S
4 of 12
what is Kyphosis
hunchback- top of the spine is more curved than normal
5 of 12
what is the process of bone growth
Bone growth is also known as ossification
Osteoblasts= build new bone
Osteoclasts= clear away old bone
Epiphyseal plate= this is where ossification happens
6 of 12
what is a joint and what are the different types
it is where two or more bones are put together
Synovial (hinge and ball and socket)
Fixed (found in the cranium)
Slightly movable joint (lumbar vertebrae)
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what is in a synovial joint and what is its function
Ligaments- attach bone to bone to stabilise
Cartilage- shock absorbers to stop bone rubbing
Joint capsule- surrounds and stabilises the joint
Synovial membrane- releases synovial fluid
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what movement does the hinge joint allow
It allows flexion and extension
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what movement does the ball and socket joint allow
It allows flexion, extension, rotation, circumduction, adduction and abduction, horizontal flexion or extension
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what are the long term changes of bones
• Calcium helps the bones get stronger over time
• Increase bone density and strength
• Increased thickness of cartilage
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what are the additional factors of the skeletal system
Osteoarthritis-Bones start to grind together
Rheumatoid arthritis-synovial membrane becomes inflamed in the joints
osteoporosis- bones become more brittle increasing the risk of breaks from falling over
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the types of bones


long, short, flat ,sesamoid and irregular

Card 3


what is the axial skeleton


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is Scoliosis


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is Kyphosis


Preview of the front of card 5
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