unit 3

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 17-02-22 17:22
what is health
it is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing with an absence of disease
1 of 27
what is fitness
the ability to cope with the demands of the environment
2 of 27
what is cardiovascular endurance
getting oxygen to the muscles
3 of 27
what is muscular endurance
to use muscles repeatedly for a long period of time
4 of 27
what is strength and how do you test it
one rep max and the ability to overcome resistance
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what is agility and how do you test it
Illinois agility test the ability to change direction quickly
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what is speed and how do you test it
flying 40m sprint moving multiple parts of your body as fast as possible
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what is power and how do you test it
standing long jump speed x strength
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what is Flexibility and how do you test it
sit and reach test the amount of movement around a joint
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what is Coordination and how do you test it
alternate ball throw test being able to move more than one body parts at a time
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what is Cardiovascular endurance and how do you test it
multistage fitness tests the ability to perform aerobically for a long period of time
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what is Reaction time and how do you test it
ruler drop test and how long it takes for your body to react to a stimulus
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what is balance and how do you test it
storks stand test the ability to keep the body stable by maintaining the centre of mass over the base of support
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what does sport stand for
specificityw, progressive overload, reversibility and tedium
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what does fitt stand for
frecuency, intesity, time and type
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what is your aerobic training zone
60-80% of max heart rate
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what is your anaerobic training zone
80-90% of max heart rate
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what is continuous training
training with no rest
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what is fartlek training
it is training with changes of speed (walk, job and sprint)
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what is interval training
training with fixed patterns of exercise
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what is weight training
training that works on your muscles
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what is circuit training
training with lots of different exercises
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what is plyometric training
training that improves power
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what is static stretching
it improves your flexibility
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what things do you do to avoid injury
warm up, maintain hydration, use taping and bracing, use correct clothing and equipment and use the correct technique.
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what do you do after exercise
cool down, recover, eat and rehydrate and ice baths/massages
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what does smart stand for
specific, measurable, accepted, realistic and time bound
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is fitness


the ability to cope with the demands of the environment

Card 3


what is cardiovascular endurance


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is muscular endurance


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is strength and how do you test it


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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