Unit 1

Functions of the skeleton
Support, Protection, Movement, Shape, Mineral storage, Blood cell production
1 of 25
What is a cartilage?
Tough, but flexible smooth elastic tissue which prevents friction and stops the bones from rubbing together
2 of 25
What is a tendon?
Very strong cords that attach the muscle on the bone
3 of 25
What is a bursae?
Sacks of fluid which reduces friction
4 of 25
What is a ligament?
Bands of fibre which attach bone to bone
5 of 25
How does synovial fluid help joint move freely?
It provides lubrication
6 of 25
What bones are located in the head/neck?
The cranium and vertebrae
7 of 25
What bones are located in the shoulder?
The scapula and humerus
8 of 25
What bones are located in the chest?
The ribs and sternum
9 of 25
What bones are located in the elbow?
The humerus, radius and ulna
10 of 25
What bones are located in the hip?
The pelvis and femur
11 of 25
What bones are located in the knee?
The femur, tibia and patella
12 of 25
What bones are located in the ankle?
The tibia, fibula and talus
13 of 25
Where can the ball and socket joints be found?
The shoulder (scapula, clavicle and humerus) and the hips (femur and pelvis)
14 of 25
What movements take place with ball and socket joints?
Abduction and adduction
15 of 25
Where can the hinge joints be found?
The knee (femur, patella and tibia), elbow (humerus, radius and ulna) and ankle (tibia, fibula and talus)
16 of 25
What movements take place with hinge joints?
Flexion and extension
17 of 25
What are articulating bones?
Where two or more bones meet to allow movement at a joint
18 of 25
What is a joint?
A connection point between two bones where movement occurs
19 of 25
What is abduction?
Movement away from the midline of the body
20 of 25
What is adduction?
Movement towards the midline of the body
21 of 25
What is flexion?
Decreasing the angle of the bones at a joint
22 of 25
What is extension?
Increasing the angle of bones at a joint
23 of 25
What is plantar flexion?
Pointing the toes at the ankle/increasing to ankle angle
24 of 25
What is rotation?
Movement around an axis
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Tough, but flexible smooth elastic tissue which prevents friction and stops the bones from rubbing together


What is a cartilage?

Card 3


Very strong cords that attach the muscle on the bone


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Sacks of fluid which reduces friction


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Bands of fibre which attach bone to bone


Preview of the back of card 5
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