Understanding Organisms

What is the difference between fitness and health?
Fitness is the ability to do physical activity whereas health is being free from diseases such as though caused by Bactria and Viruses.
1 of 6
What can your General fitness level be measured by?
Cardiovascular efficiency.
2 of 6
Fitness included different area, such as?
Strength, flexibility, stamina, agility, speed.
3 of 6
Why should ways of measuring fitness be evaluated?
To check effectiveness in particular situations.
4 of 6
How does smoking increase blood pressure?
Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke causes the blood to carry less oxygen. This means that the heart rate increases so that the it issues receive enough oxygen. Also nicotine in cigarette smoke directly increases heart rate.
5 of 6
Why does Carbon Monoxide reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood?
Carbon monoxide decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. It combines with haemoglobin preventing it from combining with oxygen, so less oxygen is carried.
6 of 6

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Card 2


What can your General fitness level be measured by?


Cardiovascular efficiency.

Card 3


Fitness included different area, such as?


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Card 4


Why should ways of measuring fitness be evaluated?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does smoking increase blood pressure?


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