UK Tourisn

Tourism makes a big contribution to the ?
UK economy
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How many visitors were there to Britian in 2008?
32 million overseas visitors
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The UK is popular with tourists because?
of its countryside , historic landmarks ( Big Ben and Stonehenge), famous churches and cathedrals ( Saint Paul's cathedral) and its castles and palaces ( Edinburgh Castle and Buckingham Palace )
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London is popular for its?
musems , theatres and shopping
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Its the destination for?
half the visitors in the UK
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In 2002 , tourism contributes £114 billion to the economy and employed?
1.4 million people
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Many factors affect?
the number of tourists visiting the UK
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What are the 5 factors?
weather , world economy , exchange rate , terrorism and conflict and major events
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How does weather effect tourists?
bad weather discourage tourists from visiting the UK (a really wet summer in 2007 was blamed for a drop in number of overseas visitors
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How does world economy effect tourists?
The times of recession people tend to cut back on luxuries like holidays , so fewer overseas visitors come to the UK. Its not that bad because most UK citizens go to holiday in Britain
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How does the exchange rate effect tourists?
The value of the pound compared with other currencies effects the number of tourists. If low , the UK is cheaper of visit
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How does terrorism and conflict effect tourism?
wars and terrorist threats mean people are less willing to visit affected areas. Tourism fell sharply after London bombing on 7th July 2005
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How do major events affect the number of tourism?
Big events can attract huge number of people. For example, Liverpool was European Capital of culture in 2008 and as a result 3.5 million people visited that hasn't been there before
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The tourist area life cycle model shows?
how visitor number changes
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What is the exploration stage?
small numbers of visitors are attracted to the area , ( by the scenery or culture , there are not many tourist facilities
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What is the involvement stage?
local people start providing facilities for the tourists which attracts more visitors
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What is the development stage?
more and more visitors come as more facilities are built. Control of tourism in the area passes from locals to big companies.
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What is the consolidation stage?
Tourism is still a big part of the local economy, but tourist numbers are beginning to level off
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What is the stagnation stage?
visitor numbers have peaked. Facilities are no longer as good and tourists have had a negative impact on the environment, making the areas less attractive to visist
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What is the rejuvenation stage?
if the area is rejuvenated then more visitors will come as they are attracted by the new facilities
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What is the decline stage?
fewer visitors come as the area is less attractive . This leads to decline of the area as facilities shut or become run down
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many visitors were there to Britian in 2008?


32 million overseas visitors

Card 3


The UK is popular with tourists because?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


London is popular for its?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Its the destination for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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