Types of Levers

  • Created by: MaxHolden
  • Created on: 28-06-17 10:34
What is a 1st class lever ?
1st class levers have the fulcrum midway between the effort and the load, the fulcrum is quite close to both the effort and the load.
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What is a 2nd class lever ?
second class levers have the load between the fulcrum and the effort. this mean that a large load can be moved with relatively low effort
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What is a 3rd class lever ?
3rd class levers have the effort placed between the fulcrum and the load. this means they can produce a larger range of movement with relatively low effort
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What does "FLE - 123" mean ?
FLE (Fulcrum, Load, Effort) is which one goes in the middle of the lever. and the number is which type of lever it is. F is in the middle of 1st, L is in the middle of 2nd, E is in the middle of 3rd.
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What is Mechanical Advantage ?
the distance from the load to the fulcrum is known as the load arm, while the distance from the effort arm to the fulcrum is known as the effort arm.
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What is a HIGH Mechanical Advantage and what does it do ?
when a levers effort arm is longer than its load arm it has a HIGH mechanical advantage. levers with HIGH mechanical advantage can move large loads with low effort
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What is a LOW Mechanical Advantage and what does it do ?
when a levers load arm is longer than its effort arm, it has a LOW mechanical advantage. 3rd class levers always have low mechanical advantage. they cannot lift heavy loads.
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Card 2


What is a 2nd class lever ?


second class levers have the load between the fulcrum and the effort. this mean that a large load can be moved with relatively low effort

Card 3


What is a 3rd class lever ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does "FLE - 123" mean ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Mechanical Advantage ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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