Lever systems

  • Created by: Bolt 775
  • Created on: 19-11-17 08:30
What is mechanical advantage?
First/second class levers provide mechanical advantage.This means they allow you to move a large output load with a smaller effort
1 of 18
What is the equation for mechanical advantage?
Mechanical advantage=Load divided by Effort
2 of 18
In a first class lever,where is the fulcrum located?
In the middle
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In a second class lever,where is the fulcrum located?
On the left side (on the side basically)
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In a third class lever,where is the fulcrum located?
On the left side (on the side basically)
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Which part of the body takes the role of the fulcrum when a limb is acting as a lever?
The joint
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What axis goes with the frontal plane?
The frontal axis
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What axis goes with the sagittal plane?
The transverse axis
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What axis goes with the transverse plane?
The longitudinal axis
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What type of movement is created in the frontal plane?
Abduction and adduction
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What type of movement is created in the sagittal plane?
Flexion and extension
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What type of movement is created in the transverse plane?
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What type of lever would you find located at the neck?
A first class lever
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Provide a sporting example of when you are working in the frontal plane about the frontal axis:
A cartwheel in gymnastics as abduction and adduction occur
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Provide a sporting example of when you are working in the sagittal plane about the transverse axis
Running in cross country as flexion and extension occur at the knee joint
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Provide a sporting example of when you are working in the transverse plane about the longitudinal axis:
The execution of a shot in lacrosse,rotating the body at the hip joint
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What is the load?
The weight of the body parts that are moved or forces needed to lift,push or pull things.Eg; the weight of the ball
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What is the effort?
The working muscle is the effort,muscles provide effort to move loads
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Mechanical advantage=Load divided by Effort


What is the equation for mechanical advantage?

Card 3


In the middle


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


On the left side (on the side basically)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


On the left side (on the side basically)


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards


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