Types of Conformity

Define Conformity
A change in a person's behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from other people.
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Define Compliance
Changing our public attitudes or behaviour only when the majority group is present, without any private change.
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Define Internalisation
Permanently adopting the behaviours or attitudes of the group, both publicly and privately, because we have come to see this as the right way to be.
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Define Identification
Changing your attitudes or behaviour to conform to a particular role. The change will last as long as the person identifies with that role. This involves both internalisation - agreeing with the group - and also compliance - wanting to fit in.
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Define Normative Influence
Where we change our behaviour to be like what most people are doing, because we want to fit in.
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Define Informational Influence
When we don't know what to think or do, we follow other who seem like they know what they are doing.
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Explain Fein (2007) evidence for this.
Participants watched US presidential debates with what they thought was an indicator of their fellow participants’ reactions on the screen. Their judgments were significantly influenced by the reactions they saw.
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Explain Schultz (2008) evidence for this.
As part of an eco-policy, hotel guests were given the option to reuse their towels rather than getting clean towels every day. They were significantly more likely to take this green option if they were told that 75% of guests reused their towels.
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Card 2


Changing our public attitudes or behaviour only when the majority group is present, without any private change.


Define Compliance

Card 3


Permanently adopting the behaviours or attitudes of the group, both publicly and privately, because we have come to see this as the right way to be.


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Card 4


Changing your attitudes or behaviour to conform to a particular role. The change will last as long as the person identifies with that role. This involves both internalisation - agreeing with the group - and also compliance - wanting to fit in.


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Card 5


Where we change our behaviour to be like what most people are doing, because we want to fit in.


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