type of operating systems

  • Created by: rbird123
  • Created on: 06-01-21 10:55
What is a single user, single task operating system and what is the main example?
The OS could only load and run one program at a time. The most likely place to find such an operating system would be embedded in a device such as a digital camera
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What does the single user, single task OS include?
The OS typically has a menu interface to enable the user to select settings, and button and other controls to operate the camera. It is single-task in that, even though it can perform many different tasks, it cannot do more than one thing at a time.
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What is a single user, multi-task OS?
This is the type of OS which runs on a stand alone PC or laptop. The windows OS, for example, can run many jobs simultaneously, switching rapidly between them so that each one appears to be the only one running.
You can, for example, be playing music, ed
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What is the multi-user OS?
Time-sharing systems are multi-user, multi-tasking systems. A single powerful mainframe or supercomputer may be connected to hundreds of terminals all using the mainframe CPU. Each user gets a slice of processor time according to a scheduling algorithm. V
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Card 2


What does the single user, single task OS include?


The OS typically has a menu interface to enable the user to select settings, and button and other controls to operate the camera. It is single-task in that, even though it can perform many different tasks, it cannot do more than one thing at a time.

Card 3


What is a single user, multi-task OS?


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Card 4


What is the multi-user OS?


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