Tropic levels

  • Created by: Cat91
  • Created on: 09-06-18 12:09
Where does the word tropic come from?
The Greek word 'trophe' meaning nourishment.
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What are tropic levels?
They're the different stages of a food chain.
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What do tropic levels consist of?
One or more organism(s) that preform a role in the food chain.
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What are tropic levels named after?
Their location in the food chain using numbers.
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What's in the first tropic level?
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What's in the second tropic level?
Primary consumers.
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What's in the third tropic level?
Secondary consumers.
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What's in the fourth tropic level?
Tertiary consumers.
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Why are producers called producers?
Because they make their own food.
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What are primary consumers?
Herbivores (only eat plants/algae).
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What are secondary consumers?
Carnivores that eat primary consumers.
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What are tertiary consumers?
Carnivores that eat secondary consumers.
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Do tertiary consumers have predators?
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What else are tertiary consumers known as?
Apex consumers.
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What else is there on a food chain (that's not in a tropic level)?
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What do decomposers do?
Break down uneaten remains and waste.
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Examples of decomposers are...
Fungi and Bacteria.
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Do decomposers play an important part in ecosystems?
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What do decomposers decompose?
Any dead plant or animal material.
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How do decomposers eat?
They release enzymes that break down dead stuff. Then they diffuse their food.
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Can there be more than four tropic levels in a food chain?
Yes, but usually only 4 or 5 because so much energy is lost.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are tropic levels?


They're the different stages of a food chain.

Card 3


What do tropic levels consist of?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are tropic levels named after?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What's in the first tropic level?


Preview of the front of card 5
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