Tripartite personality structure

Where is the Id located?
Solely in the unconcious
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Where is the super-ego located?
In the concious, unconscious and preconcious mind
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Where is the Ego located?
In the concious, unconscious and preconscious mind
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What part of the tripartite personality structure develops first?
The Id
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What part of the tripartite personality structure develops second?
The ego
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What part of the tripartite personality structure develops last?
The super-ego
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What does the Id want?
Any natural urges it only wants the fulfilment of these urges
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Does the Id care by what means the urges should be fulfilled?
No it will do anything to fulfil these desires
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What is fixation?
Where you are unable to overcome a certain stage and so become fixated this can manifest itself in older life
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What is a Freudian slip?
Where you loose control of your speech and suppressed ideas and thoughts slip out in your speech
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How long did it take Freud to develop his theories?
A lifetime
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What are neuroses?
Mental illnesses and problems in patients that are aware of these problems and can help offer insight and explanations of them.
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What kind of patients did Freud work with?
Those with neuroses
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What are psychoses?
Mental problems and illnesses in patients that are unaware they have a problem e.g. schizophrenia
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What does the concious memory contain?
Thoughts, emotions and ideas of which the patient is aware
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What does the preconscious contain?
Thoughts and ideas that are accessible but not actually conscious at the time
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What does the unconscious mind contain?
All thoughts originate here, primal desires and repressed thoughts
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What are thoughts like in the unconscious mind?
Active and trying to find a means of expression
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How did Freud feel we can research the unconscious?
By free association, slips of tongue, dream analysis and symbol analysis
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What did Freud think caused neuroses?
Repressed thoughts such as that in Anna O who had a fear of drinking from glasses until she recalled a memory of seeing a dog lick a glass
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What is the aim of psychoanalysis?
To make unknown thoughts known to help heal nueroses
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What helped heal nueroses according to Freud?
Revealing unconscious thoughts
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Did Freud believe in the use of hypnosis?
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What needed to be used to keep thoughts repressed?
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Where did Freud believe we store the energy we need to repress?
Through our eros and our thanatos
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What is the eros?
Our life instinct- contains the instinct of self preservation and sexual energy
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What is the thanatos?
The death instinct- manifested in aggression etc. Reduces the primal urges in the eros, they work together to balance each other
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What is the manifest content of dreams?
The actual dream and what happened in it (that the patient had)
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What is the latent content of dreams?
The underlying meaning of that dream that reveals the unconscious wishes
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What did Freud see dreams as?
"The royal road to the unconscious"
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What is the job of an analyst?
To look for symbols in dreams and analyse them to reveal unconscious desires
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What is the role of the ego?
The ego tries to get for the Id what it wants but with rationale. It works out how to satisfy the person.
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At what age does the ego begin to develop?
At around 18 months
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At what age does the superego develop?
At around 4 years old during the phallic stage
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What does the superego do?
Uses conscience and ideas of right and wrong to organise the id and the ego
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What does the ego pacify?
The id
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where is the super-ego located?


In the concious, unconscious and preconcious mind

Card 3


Where is the Ego located?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What part of the tripartite personality structure develops first?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What part of the tripartite personality structure develops second?


Preview of the front of card 5
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