Treaty of Versailles

Why did Wilson and Lloyd George clash?
Lloyd George was worried about the "freedom of the seas"
1 of 14
Who are the November Criminals?
The people who signed the Armistice in November, referred to as Dolchstoss
2 of 14
What was the final figure of reparation payments?
£6.6 billion
3 of 14
What percentage of the German population was lost to Europe?
4 of 14
Why did the USA not get what they wanted in the end?
The US congress decided they didn't want to sign the treaty or the League of Nations
5 of 14
What caused hyperinflation?
Rising prices and priting too much money
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Why did the French invade the Ruhr?
Germany did not pay the second installment of reparations
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What was the result of the Ruhr invasion?
100 German workers were killed and passive resistance began
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When were the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan agreed to?
1924 and 1929
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What did these two plans allow?
Reparations to be rescheduled
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How much money did the USA lend Germany?
$800 million
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What were the two most popular uprisings?
The Spartacist Revolt and the Kapp Putsch
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How many political murders were there?
13 of 14
What other treaties were made due to World War One?
The Treaty of Saint Germain (Austria), the Treaty of Trianon (Hungary), the Treaty if Neuilly (Bulgaria) and the Treaty of Sevres (Turkey)
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who are the November Criminals?


The people who signed the Armistice in November, referred to as Dolchstoss

Card 3


What was the final figure of reparation payments?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What percentage of the German population was lost to Europe?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did the USA not get what they wanted in the end?


Preview of the front of card 5
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