Treaty of Versaille

  • Created by: LBlack
  • Created on: 30-05-17 17:40

Treaty of Versaille


  • Much of Europe had suffered heavily in the war
  • The Allies although only holding an armistice had won the war, therefore they negotiated the peace treaty
  • George Clemenceau, the French President, wanted to make Germany pay for the war
  • In May 1919 - The Terms of the Treaty were announced
  • Germany lost 10% of its land, all over seas territory, 12.5% of its population, 16% of its coal and 48% of its iron industry
  • German army reduced to 10,000 men, no airforce and an extremely limited navy.
  • Germany had to accept war guilt
  • Reparations of £6,600 million were forced to be paid


  • Germans were appalled.
  • Weimar supporters blamed the Kaiser and Opposers blamed Ebert.
  • Germany reluctantly signed it but had no choice as Germany was in no position to keep fighting
  • Diktat and Dollschtoss became a popular belief in the country
  • Led to extremism like Communism and the Nazis using it to there advantage
  • League of Nations set up without USA or Germany

Overall summary

The Treaty of Versaille was a widely hated treaty in the German opinion as it was devastating to the country but they had no choice as Germany wasn't ready for another war and therefore extremists used Diktat to win support 


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