Treatments to increase fertility

which 2 hormones are in a fertility drug?
FSH and LH
1 of 7
how does the fertility drug work?
it stimulates ovulation (eggs to mature and be released) more frequently which increases the chances of becoming pregnant naturally through sexual intercourse
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what does IVF stand for?
in vitro fertilization
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what are the 4 main steps of IVF?
-a woman is given FSH and LH to stimulate the growth of several eggs
-these eggs are collected from the mother
-they are fertilized in a laboratory using sperm from the farther
-once these have developed into embryos they are inserted into the mothers ute
4 of 7
what is the advantage of IVF?
it gives women the chance to have a baby of their own
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what are the 3 main disadvantages of IVF?
-it is emotionally and physically stressful
-the success rates are not high
-it can lead to multiple births which can be dangerous for both the babies and the mother
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what are the other social issues with IVF?
-expensive (some think this money could be better spent in the NHS e.g. cancer treatment)
-not all embryos are transferred to the mother (many are destroyed) which some people find unethical
7 of 7

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Card 2


how does the fertility drug work?


it stimulates ovulation (eggs to mature and be released) more frequently which increases the chances of becoming pregnant naturally through sexual intercourse

Card 3


what does IVF stand for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the 4 main steps of IVF?


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Card 5


what is the advantage of IVF?


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