travel and tourism

  • Created by: 100591
  • Created on: 12-09-19 09:25
what is a recession?
This is where the money goes down in a business cycle. If the country is in recession people are less likely to find a job.
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what is a boom?
This is where the money goes up in a business cycle. This is good because this means that the economy goes up. if they have more money they are more likely to travel.
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what is levels in employment?
This is how many people are in a job. if unemployment goes down then they are more likely to go away on holiday more.
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what is disposable income?
This is whats left at the end of the month after you pay your bills. this money you can then spend on your selves which could be saved up for them to go on holiday.
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what is currency rates?
this is the money that different country's use when they are changing one country money to another. if the currency rates are high then people are less likely to travel because they wouldn't be getting the best out of the moneys worth.
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Card 2


what is a boom?


This is where the money goes up in a business cycle. This is good because this means that the economy goes up. if they have more money they are more likely to travel.

Card 3


what is levels in employment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is disposable income?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is currency rates?


Preview of the front of card 5


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