toxteth vs lympstone case study present day characteristics

  • Created by: cloud12
  • Created on: 07-06-22 20:50
toxteths present day characteristics- demographics
- younger population- average age= 16-64
- high ethnic diversity- 78.8%= white
- more opportunities for migrants eg jobs and houses
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toxteths present day characteristics- socio economic profile
- lower standard of living- 9.4%=bad/very bad health, 54.4% have no access to a car (cant travel to work- increases unemployment)
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toxteths present day characteristics- cultural characteristics
- larger amount of religions so many religious events celebrated and various different places of worship to accommodate to each religion
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toxteths present day characteristics- political characteristics
- city and local council- duties= education, children serices etc.
- part of the riverside ward
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toxteths present day characteristics- built environment
- adapted to migrant communities (mosques, ethic retailers)
- original buildings remodeled
- new buildings constructed
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lympstones present day characteristics- demographics
- top heavy age structure
- low ethic diversity- 98.9%= white
- less opportunities for migrants
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lympstones present day characteristics- socio economic profile
- higher standard of living- 4.1%= bad/very bad health, 12%= no access to a car
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lympstones present day characteristics- cultural characteristics
- only focused on Christianity (celebrate easter /other Christian holidays)
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lympstones present day characteristics- political characteristics
- parish council (11 people elected)- focused on local issues
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lympstones present day characteristics- built environment
- new housing built on cliff tops
- protecting architecture in the village (strict planning permission/restrictions)
- low order shops converted into houses
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Card 2


toxteths present day characteristics- socio economic profile


- lower standard of living- 9.4%=bad/very bad health, 54.4% have no access to a car (cant travel to work- increases unemployment)

Card 3


toxteths present day characteristics- cultural characteristics


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Card 4


toxteths present day characteristics- political characteristics


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Card 5


toxteths present day characteristics- built environment


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