Topic 4 - biodiversity and plants

Define species richness
It is expressed as the number of species of a particular group
1 of 19
Define species evenness
The overall spread of animals in different populations, i.e whether one community has lots compared to another
2 of 19
Describe the diversity index
Used to measure diversity on a species level, the higher the value the greater the biodiversity
3 of 19
Describe the heterozygosity index
Measures the proportion of genes which are present in heterozygous form
4 of 19
How do you calculate heterozygosity?
Number of heterozygotes/number of individuals in the population
5 of 19
Define niche
The way the species exploits its environment
6 of 19
Name the three types of adaptations
Behavioural, anatomical and physiological (internal biochemical functioning)
7 of 19
Define evolution
Change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time due to a change in selection pressure
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What does the Hardy-Weinberg equation show us?
Can be used to detect change in allele frequency in a population
9 of 19
What things need to be present for Hardy-Weinberg to apply?
Mating must be random, large population, no migration, no mutations and no selection pressure
10 of 19
What two equations make up the Hardy-Weinberg equation?
p + q = 1 & p2 + 2pq + q2 =1 (q = bb and p = Bb)
11 of 19
State the hierarchy of classification
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
12 of 19
Name the three domains
Archaea, bacteria and eukarya
13 of 19
How was archaea discovered?
Carl Woese used molecular phylogeny to prove there was a third domain
14 of 19
What is molecular phylogeny?
Analysis of genetic material ti establish evolutionary relationships between organisms
15 of 19
Define species
Organisms with similar morphology which can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
16 of 19
Name the five kingdoms
Animalia, plantae, fungi, protoctista and prokaryotae
17 of 19
Name three examples of the scientific process
Peer review, publishing scientific journals an scientific conferences
18 of 19
What membrane surrounds a vacuole?
Tonoplast membrane which allows movement in and out
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define species evenness


The overall spread of animals in different populations, i.e whether one community has lots compared to another

Card 3


Describe the diversity index


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the heterozygosity index


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you calculate heterozygosity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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