Topic 2 - The Role of Government

  • Created by: MissMc02
  • Created on: 14-05-24 10:51

1. Responsibility for setting the UK Bank Rate lies with:

  • HM Treasury.
  • the Governor of the Bank of England.
  • the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England.
  • the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which one of the following would NOT be used by the government to influence economic activity as part of its fiscal policy ? (2.2)

  • Interest rates
  • Spending
  • Taxation
  • Borrowing

3. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is paid to employees who are off work due to sickness or disability. The benefit is payable for a maximum of: (2.7)

  • 12 weeks
  • 4 weeks
  • 28 weeks
  • 26 weeks

4. During a period of deflation, prices tend to: (2.5)

  • fall dramatically only for identified industries.
  • fall significantly across the entire economy.
  • rise, but at a slower rate than previously.
  • rise and fall in line with average earnings.

5. Economic theory states that the money supply should increase only if: (2.4.2)

  • the volume of goods and services decreases
  • the volume of goods and services also increases
  • the volume of just goods increases
  • the volume of just services increases


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