Topic 1: Tectonic Hazards and Processes

What is a tsunami?
A tsunami is initiated by undersea earthquakes, landslides, slumps and sometimes even volcanic eruptions.
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What are tsunamis characterised by?
They are characterised by long wavelengths, low amplitude and fast velocities.
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What is the global distribution like?
The global distribution of tsunamis is that 90% of all events occur within the Pacific Basin.
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How many physical and human factors depend on the impact of a tsunami?
Altogether there are six human and physical factors.
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What is the first factor?
The first factor is the duration of the event.
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What is the second factor?
The second factor is the wave amplitude, water column displacement and the distance travelled.
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What is the third factor?
The third factor is the physical geography of the coast especially water depth and the gradient at the shoreline.
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What is the fourth factor?
The fourth factor is the degree of coastal ecosystem buffer for example protection by mangroves and coral reefs.
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What is the first factor?
The fifth factor is the timing of the event for example night versus day and the quality of early warning systems.
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What is the sixth and final factor?
The sixth and final factor is the degree of coastal development and its proximity from the coast especially in tourist areas.
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What are the four primary hazards of a volcano?
The four primary hazards of a volcano are pyroclastic flows, tephra, lava flows and volcanic gases.
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What is a pyroclastic flow?
Are pyroclastic flow is responsible for most volcanic related deaths they result from the frothing of molten magma in the vent of the volcano and inject hot gases and pyroclastic material which contains glass shards, pumice, crystals and ash
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Card 2


What are tsunamis characterised by?


They are characterised by long wavelengths, low amplitude and fast velocities.

Card 3


What is the global distribution like?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many physical and human factors depend on the impact of a tsunami?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the first factor?


Preview of the front of card 5
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