Topic 1 - modern technologies

  • Created by: MrsReece
  • Created on: 11-04-22 09:14
Offered in some locations for free, this ad-hoc network connection method is unencrypted and not secure
Open WiFi
1 of 15
Bluetooth connections can only connect if in the same room, or very close by. This is known as having a limited r...?
2 of 15
Loss of connection can be caused by something blocking the signal - this is known as a bla...?
3 of 15
You can store files on the cloud, and your ISP often gives you a small amount of space included in your package. You can pay for more if you need it, and this is called sc...?
4 of 15
Cloud storage providers keep your data safe. They manage the s...?
5 of 15
Cloud computing allows you to access applications to complete tasks online. You don't need to worry about installing up.... because the provider does it for you
6 of 15
Cloud computing allows people to work together on documents and tasks. This is called col.......
7 of 15
Common platforms used to access cloud technologies are laptops, desktops and sm......
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Making sure everybody can access and use websites and applications is called acc.......
9 of 15
When you log into your cloud storage, all documents are automatically updated to the newest version, this is called sy....
10 of 15
Cloud technology allows you to log in and work at any time from any location ensuring a good work/.... balance
11 of 15
Accessibility features include changing font size and options for displaying the information in different co....
12 of 15
Working from home can impact mental health and increase feelings of lo....
13 of 15
Video conferencing using Teams or zoom means you do not need to meet in person. This saves both time and m....
14 of 15
Communication platforms include websites, email and social...
15 of 15

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Card 2


Bluetooth connections can only connect if in the same room, or very close by. This is known as having a limited r...?



Card 3


Loss of connection can be caused by something blocking the signal - this is known as a bla...?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


You can store files on the cloud, and your ISP often gives you a small amount of space included in your package. You can pay for more if you need it, and this is called sc...?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Cloud storage providers keep your data safe. They manage the s...?


Preview of the front of card 5
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