Threats to fish stocks

  • Created by: Emma
  • Created on: 06-03-13 19:48

1. Why are seine nets a threat to natural fish stocks?

  • They destroy the sea bed.
  • Surround a whole shoal - none esacpe. Vast amount caught.
  • They electricute fish as they catch them - cannot escaspe.
1 of 10

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2. What are trawl nets and why are they a threat to fish stocks?

  • Nets that drag along the sea bottom and so disrupt the fish.
  • Taporing tube shaped and can catch vast amounts of fish at a time.
  • Small net and so are not threats

3. What does G.P.S stand for and why is it a threat to fish stocks?

  • Glacier positioning service
  • Global Positioning System - locates shoals accurately.
  • Gradient Positioning System

4. Why is oil pollution bad for natural fish stocks?

  • It coats the gills and kills the fish.
  • It's not- the meat is contaminated so humans don't catch any fish.
  • The oil dosen't harm the fish - it just floats on the surface.

5. Why are diamond shaped holes in fishing nets bad for fish stocks?

  • Big fish try to swim through but get stuck.
  • Small fish can't escape and go on to breed.
  • Fish can escape through diamond shaped holes.


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