Theories and sociologists

  • Created by: FinnR_
  • Created on: 21-06-22 21:00
What were Bradleys 5 age groups
Childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle age, old age.
1 of 7
What do post modernists say about age?
We have a lot of choice over leisure and there are not homogenous groups of age.
2 of 7
What did Parsons (func) say about socialisation?
Social institutions socialise us into key values creating value consensus.
The family is a personality factory.
The warm bath theory.
3 of 7
Durkheim (Functionalist): Religion
Certain values are given sacred quality. These regulate behaviours.
4 of 7
Zaretsky (marx) - Family
Role models - parents going to work
Values like obedience make exploitation seem normal.
5 of 7
Althusser (marx) - education
Edu is part of the ISA.
6 of 7
Marsh and Keating
The media distracts us
7 of 7

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Card 2


We have a lot of choice over leisure and there are not homogenous groups of age.


What do post modernists say about age?

Card 3


Social institutions socialise us into key values creating value consensus.
The family is a personality factory.
The warm bath theory.


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Card 4


Certain values are given sacred quality. These regulate behaviours.


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Card 5


Role models - parents going to work
Values like obedience make exploitation seem normal.


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