Theme 1: Topic 7

  • Created by: psinfield
  • Created on: 20-01-19 15:11
What is motivation?
A willingness to apply effort towards a particular goal. The factors that inspire an employee to complete a task at work
1 of 21
What are the benefits of a motivated workforce?
Better customer service (better reputation, higher sales and revenue repeat purchase, can charge more), low absenteeism (higher productivity, less cover needed), low labour turnover, improved productivity, better quality, easier to recruit
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What were FW Taylor's key points?
Focused on efficiency and productivity, financial rewards, autocratic leadership, scientific approach, focused in manufacturing
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What were Elton Mayo's key points?
To motivate employees groups and teams are needed, good communication, showing an interest in them, socialising
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What do Mayo's finding suggest?
Recognition and security is more important in motivating employees that simply money or working conditions, work is group based and employees should be seen as a member of a team, managers need to be aware of social needs
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What are Herzberg's key points?
Hygine factors (demotivators) include good company policy, working conditions etc don't motivate but are needed, motivating factors consist of interesting work, personal achievement etc
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What is piece rate work?
Where workers are paid for the amount of output produced
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What are the advantages of piece rate work?
Motivates (more done = more pay), higher productivity, more efficient, easy to calculate
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What are the disadvantages of piece rate work?
Only works for some jobs, reduces quality (quantity>quality), pressure is increased
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What is performance related pay?
Where a bonus or increase in salary is awarded for above average employee performance
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What are the advantages of performance related pay?
Increases motivation, acknowledgement of work, doesn't reduce quality, can be used in service industries
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What are the disadvantages of performance related pay?
Difficult to measure, performance can be due to things out of your control meaning it can seem unfair
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What is commission?
Usually given to sales staff where they are paid a percentage of the overall sales achieved, it can be motivating but also could encourage unethical methods of selling
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What is profit sharing?
A financial incentive were a proportion of the firms profits is allocated to workers as a bonus to their usual salary
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What are the advantages of profit sharing?
The business and employee want the same thing
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What are the disadvantages of profit sharing?
Not just given to hard workers, everyone gets some
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What is share ownership of employees?
When companies give shares to their workers or sell them shares at favourable rated below the market price, they are financial incentives for senior staff, it encourages them to increase the share value to make their share options worthwhile
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What are fringe benefits?
Something worth having and of value that isn't money (payment in kind)
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What is job enrichment?
Where jobs are redesigned to provide workers with more challenging and complex tasks
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What is job rotation?
Allowing workers to change their work task from time to time giving them some variety in their work
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What is empowerment?
Involves giving them more control over their working lives
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the benefits of a motivated workforce?


Better customer service (better reputation, higher sales and revenue repeat purchase, can charge more), low absenteeism (higher productivity, less cover needed), low labour turnover, improved productivity, better quality, easier to recruit

Card 3


What were FW Taylor's key points?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were Elton Mayo's key points?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do Mayo's finding suggest?


Preview of the front of card 5
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