The rate of photosynthesis

  • Created by: Aleena
  • Created on: 02-01-13 15:49
The rate of photosynthesis may be limited by...
1. shortage of light 2. low temperature 3. shortage of carbon dioxide
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light provides what for photosynthesis?
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As the light level is raised, the rate of photosynthesis...
increases steadily but only upto a certain point. After that it wont make a differnce becuase then itll be either the temp of carbon dioxide level which is the limiting factor
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The amount of carbon dioxide will only increase...
the rate of photosynthesis up to a point.
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If the temperature is limiting its becuase its..
too low
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If the temp is too low...
the enzymes needed for photosynthesis work more slowly at low temperatures
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If the plant gets too hot..
the enzymes it needs for photosynthesis and its other reactions will be damaged. This happens at about 45 degrees.
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You can artificially create the ideal conditions for farming in a...
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Greenhouses help to trap the..
suns heat and make sure that the temperature doessnt become limiting.
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In winter a gardener/farmer may use a..
heater aswell to kepp the temperature at the ideal level.
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In summer it may get too hot so farmers/gardeners...
can use shaded and ventilation to cool things down.
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Light is always needed for photosyntheseis so farmers/gardners may use...
artificial light especially at night to give their plants more quality photosynthesis time.
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Farmers can use a parrafin heater to increase the amount of...
Carbon dioxide in the greenhouse. As the paraffin burns it makes Carbon dioxide as a by-product.
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Keeping plants enclosed in agreenhouse helps...
protect them from insects and diseases. The farmer can add fertilisers to the soil to provide the minerals needed for healthy growth
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Doing all this costs the farmer/gardner a lot of mney. But..
if the farmer can keep the conditions right for photosynthesis, the plants will grow faster and a decent crop can be harvested much more often, which then can be sold.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


light provides what for photosynthesis?



Card 3


As the light level is raised, the rate of photosynthesis...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The amount of carbon dioxide will only increase...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


If the temperature is limiting its becuase its..


Preview of the front of card 5
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