The NHS and Beveridge report ;)

Most the Stuff you'll need for the source paper on OCR about the NHS and Beveridge report


1. What's missing from this list of the 5 evils that plagued England: Injustice, Idelness, disease, ingnorance and ....

  • Health
  • Immigrants
  • The Class System
  • Squalor
  • Education
1 of 8

Other questions in this quiz

2. What did Sir William Beveridge mean with his solution of universality?

  • All people had the right to an education
  • All people had the right to a roof over their head, food and water
  • All people had teh right to health care
  • All people would be eligible to benefits
  • All people should work

3. What act did the government pass in 1945 following the Beveridge report?

  • NHS
  • Town Planning
  • Family Allowance
  • Family planning act
  • Children Act

4. What was the National Insuarance act?

  • gave benefits for any worker who was unable to work
  • A new tax to pay for insuarance for everyone
  • New law that everyone had to pay for insuarance

5. When was the NHS opened?

  • 1948
  • 1946
  • 1950
  • 1951




Quite a few spelling errors

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