The Halogens


1. Which of these statments is true?

  • Halogens bond to form a covalent diatomic molecule, X2.
  • Halogens bond to form an ionic diatomic molecule, X2-.
  • Halogens bond to form an ionic diatomic molecule, X2+.
  • Halogens do not bond.
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2. What 3 points explain the trend in reactivity down the group?

  • Atomic radius decreases; Electron shielding decreases; Ability to gain an electron into the p sub-shell increases to form a halide ion.
  • Atomic radius decreases; Electron shielding increases; Ability to gain an electron into the p sub-shell increases to form a halide ion.
  • Atomic radius increases; Electron shielding increases; Ability to gain an electron into the p sub-shell decreases to form a halide ion.
  • Atomic radius increases; Electron shielding decreases; Ability to gain an electron into the p sub-shell decreases to form a halide ion.

3. What colour and state is fluorine?

  • Brown liquid.
  • Pale yellow-green solid.
  • Pale yellow-green gas.
  • Red gas.

4. What happens in a 'displacement reaction'?

  • A more-reactive halogen will reduce and displace a halide of a less-reactive halogen.
  • A less-reactive halogen will reduce and displace a halide of a more-reactive halogen.
  • A more-reactive halogen will oxidise and displace a halide of a less-reactive halogen.
  • A less-reactive halogen will oxidise and displace a halide of a more-reactive halogen.

5. What is meant by the 'oxidising power' of a Halogen?

  • The ease of a Halogen atom to lose its outer electrons.
  • The ease of a Halogen to attract another Halogen.
  • A measure of the strength with which a halogen atom is able to attract and capture an electron to form a halide.
  • A measure of the strength between the outer electron and the nucleus.


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