The Family and Social Change


Production Unit
A group of people involved in the production of goods and service.
1 of 12
Cottage Industry
The production of goods in the home.
2 of 12
Kinship-based Society
A society in which social institutions and people's roles are largely organised on the basis of kinship relationships.
3 of 12
A social group made up of people descended from a common ancestor.
4 of 12
Performing a number of functions.
5 of 12
The move to the production of manufactured goods in factories.
6 of 12
The increasing proportion of people living in urban areas.
7 of 12
Isolated Nuclear Family
A married couple and their children who are largely independent from the wider kinship network.
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Symmetrical Family
A nuclear family in which the roles of husband and wife are increasingly similar. It is home-centred, privatised and self-contained.
9 of 12
Stratified Diffusion
The spread of ideas and behaviour through the class system from top to bottom.
10 of 12
Modified Extended Family
A weaker version of the traditional extended family. Members don't usually share the same household. Contact is regular and services are exchanged.
11 of 12
Unit of Consumption
A group of people who consume goods and services as a unit.
12 of 12

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Card 2


The production of goods in the home.


Cottage Industry

Card 3


A society in which social institutions and people's roles are largely organised on the basis of kinship relationships.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A social group made up of people descended from a common ancestor.


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Card 5


Performing a number of functions.


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