Other questions in this quiz

2. Which research supports this effect of privation: physical underdevelopment?

  • Czech twins, Bowlby, Rutter
  • Harlow, Czech twins
  • Genie, Gardner
  • Skinner, Loftus, Palmer

3. Which research supports this effect of privation: disinhibited attachment?

  • Atkinson, Harlow
  • Rutter, Hodges and Tizard
  • Yates, Skeels and Dye, Glaser
  • Genie, Czech twins, Bowlby

4. Which research supports this effect of privation: intellectual understanding?

  • Loftus, Glaser, Rutter
  • Harlow, Quinton
  • Genie, Skeels and Dye
  • Hodges and Tizard

5. Which research supports this effect of privation: little long-term effect?

  • Czech twins, Bowlby, Rutter
  • Palmer
  • Genie, Gardner
  • Yates, Skeels and Dye


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