The Breakdown of Romantic Relationships

This is a brief overview of notes on the main points o fbreakdown of relationships. it covers all the points in the AQA 'A' textbook for the topics and have been condesnsed down to the important bits. Enjoy :) 

  • Created by: Priya
  • Created on: 12-03-13 18:31
Reasons For Relationship Breakdown (A01) Duck (1999)
Duck came up with three main reasons as to why relationships breakdown; (1) Lack of skills, (2) Lack of Stimulation and (3) Maintenance Difficulties
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Lack of Skills (A01)
Some people may lack interpersonal skills to make them mutually satisfying. An example may be poor conversations which does not help their interaction with others. This shows their partner that they're not interested in them anymore.
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Lack of Stimulation (A01)
Rewards are stimulation, and people look for rewards. So if there are no rewards, the relationship is likely to breakdown. When people do not see the relationship developing, they get bored and it begins to breakdown.
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Maintenance Difficulties (A01)
Relationships may become strained when partners do not get to see each other as often, e.g. going to uni. Although some relationships do last, no daily interaction, most do not.
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Reasons For Relationship Breakdown (A02) Extramarital Affairs
Boekhout et; extramarital affairs may be the result of lack of skill/stimulation. Undergrads were asked to rate sexual and emotional reasons for people to be unfaithful. Found that men cheated for sexual reasons but women cheated for emotional reason
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Maintenance Difficulties (A02) [ long distance romantic relationships (LDRR) and long distance friendships (LDF)]
One study found that 70% of students sampled had experienced at least one LDRR and 90% had experienced one LDF. Holt and Stone found that there was little decrease in satisfaction as long as lovers united regularly.
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A Model of Breakdown (A01) Rollie and Duck, 2006
Came up with a 6 stage breakdown of relationships; (1) Breakdown, (2) Intrapsychic Processes, (3) Dyadic Processes, (4) Social Processes, (5) Grave - Dressing Processes and (6) Resurrection Processes.
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Keeping it Personal (A01)
The partner is dissatisfied and the breakdown begins (Stage 1). The partner may be distressed but not tell the partner, they may write it in a diary (Stage 2). Then they will confront their partner and discuss their feelings (Stage 3).
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Going Public (A01)
Partners start to tell friends about the breakdown (Stage 4). They try to show themselves positively and justify their actions (Stage 5). Lastly they prepare themselves for new relationships;redefining themselves and learning from the past (Stage 6)
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A Model of Breakdown (A02) Research Support - Tashiro and Frazier
They surveyed undergrads who had recently broken up with partners. Found that they experienced emotional distress but also personal growth. Breaking up gave them new insights and clearer idea about future. Proves Stage 5 and 6 of model.
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A Model of Breakdown (A02) Implications for Intervention
The model stresses the importance of communication. By paying attention to what people talk about and the topics, offer an insight into their stage and also suggests interventions appropriate to that stage.
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A Model of Breakdown (A02) Ethical Issues
Carrying out research in this field raises issues of vulnerability, privacy and confidentiality. For example, women who are taking part in this may be scared to do so in fear of consequences from their abuser if they found out.
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Card 2


Some people may lack interpersonal skills to make them mutually satisfying. An example may be poor conversations which does not help their interaction with others. This shows their partner that they're not interested in them anymore.


Lack of Skills (A01)

Card 3


Rewards are stimulation, and people look for rewards. So if there are no rewards, the relationship is likely to breakdown. When people do not see the relationship developing, they get bored and it begins to breakdown.


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Card 4


Relationships may become strained when partners do not get to see each other as often, e.g. going to uni. Although some relationships do last, no daily interaction, most do not.


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Card 5


Boekhout et; extramarital affairs may be the result of lack of skill/stimulation. Undergrads were asked to rate sexual and emotional reasons for people to be unfaithful. Found that men cheated for sexual reasons but women cheated for emotional reason


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