Other questions in this quiz

2. Which feedback mechanism causes an increases the original change?

  • Positive Feedback Mechanism
  • Relative Feedback Mechanism
  • Negative Feedback Mechanism
  • Absolute Feedback Mechanism

3. What process does the sun use to get energy?

  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear Fission
  • Explosions
  • Combustion

4. Why are fluctuations of CO2 in the summer greater than in the winter?

  • Because there are more activity in the summer
  • Because there are higher levels of light
  • Because there are less clouds
  • Because there are more people around

5. Why is ozone depletion greatest in Polar Regions?

  • During the summer there is a high concentration of ozone and polar regions have accumulated CFCs around the globe
  • Chemical reations involving chlorine and ozone occur most easily in low temperatures
  • Ozone is more common in the polar regions so they are easier to break up from chemical reactions
  • Polar Regions have very little precipitation


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