The Structure of the Atmosphere

  • Created by: OctaviaL
  • Created on: 24-05-16 10:02
Define 'atmosphere'.
The mixture of gases surrounding the Earth.
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How much of the atmoshpere is nitrogen and oxygen?
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen.
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What is the basic structure of the atmosphere? (Altitude increasing)
Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Stratopause, Mesosphere, Mesopause, Thermosphere.
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50% of the atmosphere lies within how far from the Earth's surface?
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How does pressure change with altitude?
Pressure decreases exponentially with height above Earth's surface.
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What is atmospheric pressure at Earth's surface?
About 1050mb.
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What heights is the troposphere?
0-12,000m / 0-12km
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How does temperature change in the troposphere?
Temperature decreases at a constant rate from 15 C to -55 C.
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What is the height of the tropopause at the equator?
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What is the height of the tropopause at the poles?
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What is the role of the tropopause?
Acts as a temperature inversion and therefore provides an upper limit to Earth's weather systems.
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What has global warming been linked to?
Changes in the stratosphere from human activity.
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What heights is the stratosphere?
20,000-50,000m / 20-50km
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How do temperatures change in the stratoshpere? Why?
Temperatures increase from -55 C to -5 C with altitude due to the ozone which filters out UV radiation.
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In the stratosphere, warming is greater over the polar regions than the tropics. What effect does this have?
Temperature differences cause strong horizontal air movements.
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What is the stratoshpere free from?
Cloud and dust.
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What heights are the mesosphere?
58,000-80,000m / 58-80km
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How does temperature change in the mesosphere?
Temperature decreases from -5 C to -95 C with altitude. This is the coldest part of the atmosphere.
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What is the upper limit of the mesosphere marked by?
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How does temperature change in the thermosphere?
Temperature increase at a constant rate as distance to the sun decrease, up to as high as 1,500 C.
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What heights is the thermosphere?
90,000+ m / 90+ km
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How much of the atmoshpere is nitrogen and oxygen?


78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen.

Card 3


What is the basic structure of the atmosphere? (Altitude increasing)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


50% of the atmosphere lies within how far from the Earth's surface?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does pressure change with altitude?


Preview of the front of card 5
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