The purchase of Suez Canal shares, 1875?

What is an isthmus?
a ***** of land with sea either side that acts like a bridge linking land together
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What happened during its construction
took 10 years, insecure position, suitable for steamships, political uncertainty discouraged investment
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What was the impact of it being impracticle for sailing ships?
steamships became competitive on Asian routes for the first time
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What the effects of a growing commercial benefit?
concerns of British influence on operation- became a lifeline to EIC, government faced relying on French infastructure to acess Asian colonies
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What was the impact of Britain having the most dockyards?
tonnage entering british ports increased by 178%, by 1874 3/4 of tonnage passing through was British
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Why was securing the canal seen as a commecial investment?
it was a way of securing hold over Egypt and securing a highway to the imperial empire
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Why did Disraeli borrow moeny from Rothschild?
Khedive sold his shares, so he aquired shares without issuing bonds or informing parliment which proved logical as dividends increased
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What was Disraeli intentions?
advance Britains geopolitical interest, strategy not exploitation
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Card 2


What happened during its construction


took 10 years, insecure position, suitable for steamships, political uncertainty discouraged investment

Card 3


What was the impact of it being impracticle for sailing ships?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What the effects of a growing commercial benefit?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the impact of Britain having the most dockyards?


Preview of the front of card 5
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