The purchase of Suez Canal shares, 1875


Isthmus= section of land with sea either side that acts like bridge linking land together

  • Strategic militray interest

1798- Napolean invaded Egypt to attack British commerce threatening Indian trade routes, he wanted to build a canal but abandoned idea due to impracticalities.

1846- French experts proved sea levels were negligible which revived interest in the canal as a commerical venture 

1854- Ferdinand de Lesseps granted permission from Khedive of Egypt to construct canal in return for 99 year lease and invested 44% shaes to ensure construction progressed

Construction of the Suez Canal

  • Took 10 years (1859-69)
  • Insecure position, financial future doubtful- £433 million to construct with commerical value uncertain
  • Route only suitable for steamships
  • Egypt political uncertainity discouraged canal investment



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