The New Right- Role of Education

The New Right believe that some people are naturally more what than others?
1 of 16
Which system do they believe is the best for society?
A meritocratic system
2 of 16
What should education socialise children into?
Shared values
3 of 16
However, what do they not believe?
That the current education system is providing these values
4 of 16
What do Chubb and Moe are that American State Education has done?
5 of 16
What do Chubb and Moe believe that education should be open up to?
Market forces
6 of 16
Cubb and Moe believe that the education system is what?
7 of 16
What do Chubb and Moe believe parents should be able to do?
Shape schools in the market state
8 of 16
Chubb and Moe believe that which education is high quality and accountable for paying parents?
Private Education
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What are the 2 roles of private education?
Strict framework- controlled by Ofsted, Shared culture- national curriculum
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What should private education do?
National identity-teaching British history, integration as one whole
11 of 16
What do Chubb and Moe believe?
That private education is offering the best education for students
12 of 16
What do Gewirtz and Ball argue?
That competition between schools benefits the middle class, who can use their cultural and economic capital to gain access to the more desirable schools
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What is the real cause of low educational standards?
Isn't state control but social inequality and inadequate funding of state schools
14 of 16
What is the contradiction between the New Right's support for parental choice?
The state imposing a compulsory national curriculum on all schools
15 of 16
What do Marxists argue?
That education does not impose a shared national culture, as the New Right argue but imposes the culture of the dominant minority ruling class
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Which system do they believe is the best for society?


A meritocratic system

Card 3


What should education socialise children into?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


However, what do they not believe?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do Chubb and Moe are that American State Education has done?


Preview of the front of card 5
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