The multi store model of memory

What does the MSM suggested by ATKINSON provide us with?
Analogy of how memory works as it isn't entirely accurate its just a representation.
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What does the model consist of?
Three memory stores linked to each other by processes that enable transfer of info from one store to next, explains how both stm and ltm work
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Sensory registers
Places where info is held at each of the senses, eyes,ear,nose etc. It constantly receives information(very large capacity), but most information receives no attention and remains in sensory register for very short duration.
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Capacity of sensory registers?
Very large
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What is attention?
How well we focus on something. If persons attention is focused on sensory registers, then the data is transferred to short term memory. Attention is the first step in remembering something.
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Short term memory
The memory held here is used for immediate tasks like recalling directions or phone numbers etc. It has a limited duration. the info will decay if not rehearsed, as stm is always in a fragile state and has limited capacity- interfence and will disappear i
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What is maintenance rehearsal?
Repeating something over and again to remember it, largely verbal process. Repetition occurs in STM, so info is transferred to LTM
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Why does displacement occur?
Because stm has limited capacity , so new information displaces original information out. Like remembering a phone number and someone speaks to you. STM is in a fragile state
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What did akinston propose
A direct relationship between rehearsal in STM and the strength of the STM- The more the info is rehearsed the better it is remembered.
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Duration of LTM
Potentially unlimited duration and capacity
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What is retrieval?
Process of getting info back from LTM, passes through STM so its ready for use.
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Briefly explain the MSM
Explanation of memory based on three separate memory stores and how information is transferred between these 3 stores. Sensory registers, STM, LTM.
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too simple, suggests stm is just one store. But research suggests stm is split into several sub compoements- like baddeley and hitchs research into dual task performance, which developed idea of working memory model
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process of maintenance rehearsal explains how we remember info, but this would work for sematic and procedural memories but not EPisoic mmeories, so is incomplete
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there is evidience to suggest that stm and ltm are seperate stores from Cunitz. asked ppl to recall word lists
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explains how we remember things- maintenabce rehearsal and attention
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the model consist of?


Three memory stores linked to each other by processes that enable transfer of info from one store to next, explains how both stm and ltm work

Card 3


Sensory registers


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Capacity of sensory registers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is attention?


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