The July Days and the lead up to October revolution

A vote of no confidence took place on the 3rd June 1917 for the PG. What was the result?
Decreased from 543 to 126
1 of 9
What did the soldiers do based on the vote of no confidence?
They saw it as a chance to grasp power, organising an armed demonstration.
2 of 9
What did the sailors do to make the uprising look like a Bolshevik uprising? (The July Days)
They used Bolshevik slogans
3 of 9
Give 3 consequences of the July Days
Lenin's reputation fell, Trotsky imprisoned, Pravda (bolshevik newspaper) closed.
4 of 9
Factory workers could dismiss workers who went on strike, how does this oppose what the PG said they would do?
They said workers would be given the right to strike, this was actually taken away.
5 of 9
What did Kornilov do in an attempt to crush the Soviet and establish military authority? How did this fail?
He ordered 6 rigiments of troops to march on Petrograd . Kerensky called this to a halt and released imprisoned Bolsheviks and gave workers weapons.
6 of 9
What is a quote from Lenin that shows he urged the Bolsheviks take power?
'History will not forgive us if we do not assume power now'
7 of 9
Lenin milked the propaganda opportunities. Give 2 ways in which he did this.
He sent Bolsheviks to speak in factories, he produced 41 newspapers and 10,000 red guards
8 of 9
What date did the Bolshevik revolution begin?
25th October 1917.
9 of 9

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Card 2


What did the soldiers do based on the vote of no confidence?


They saw it as a chance to grasp power, organising an armed demonstration.

Card 3


What did the sailors do to make the uprising look like a Bolshevik uprising? (The July Days)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give 3 consequences of the July Days


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Factory workers could dismiss workers who went on strike, how does this oppose what the PG said they would do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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