Successes for the Bolsheviks

  • Created by: Howzat
  • Created on: 06-08-18 16:14

Build up to the revolution for the Bolsheviks

Lenin returned to Russia on the 3rd of April 1917 after the February Revolution. 

Helped by Germany showing he had the backing to become the next Russian leader. 

However, the Provisional Government took over. 

Lenin made a speech demanding radical change and proved to be inspirational to some members of the public. This was the start of something for the Bolsheviks and the start of gaining popularity. 

These ideas were known as his "April Thesis". This stated that he wanted- 

  • Worldwide Socialist Revolution 
  • Immediate end to the war
  • No more co-operation with the Provisional Government 
  • Soviets/Petrograd Soviets to take power 
  • Land to be given to the peasants

This was the start of the Bolsheviks Uprise 

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Build up to the revolution for the Bolsheviks

Lenin believed the middle classes were too weak to carry through the democratic revolution. 

Mensheviks described the April Thesis as "the ravings of a madman". 

The July Days showed just how weak the Provisional Government was and therefore meant that the Bolsheviks could make inroads to gaining power. 

Milyukov who was the Minister of War suggested attacking Constantinople to get control of the Black Sea. However, the Petrograd Soviet wanted a defensive war and led to him getting the sack. 

The May re-shuffle in the Provisional Government led to some Soviets joining Government which primarily included Mensheviks as Bolsheviks had little influence at this time. 

In June 1917 the PG launched a major offensive against the Germans and showed that the PG still wanted to fight the war just like the Tsar was critised and of course helped lead to his end in power. They wanted to be presented in a way that would look powerful and is a Patriotic choice. 

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Build up to the revolution for the Bolsheviks

The Summer Offensive lasted 3 days before it completely fell apart. Desertion was at a high rate. Soldiers killed their officers rather than fight. More teritory was lost. 

The July Days then occured which was a series of protests against the PG. They lacked organisation. It failed after 3 days. 

However, this led to Kerensky taking over from Prince Lvov. 

The Bolsheviks then grew stronger. 

Kerenskys solution- unite the people by beating Germany

Appointed a new general- General Kornilov. 

Then came the Kornilov Affair: Kerensky wanted to restore order on the streets and sent Kornilov and his men to deal with it. Kerensky then worried that Kornilov would take power for himself.

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Build up to the revolution for the Bolsheviks

Kerensky then asked Lenin for help. Lenin demanded weapons and the Bolsheviks infiltrated the Iron Division and Kornilov was arrested. 

This made the Bolsheviks look strong and the Saviour of the people by eliminating the threat. Presented Lenin as a peace maker and a strong leader. This dramatically swung things in his favour. 

All this led to the October Revolution- By October 1917- Bolsheviks had 200,000 members and had control of the Soviet, done well in Soviet elections around the country and the PG was helpless. 

7th October- Lenin secretly returned to Petrograd to attend the meeting of the Central Committee. Kerensky sent radical army units out of the capital. Lenin used this as an excuse to set up a Military Revolutionary Committee. 

This was led by Trotsky who had control of 200,000 red guards, 60,000 Baltic Soldiers and 150,000 soldiers of the Petrograd Soviet. Lenin wanted to take power. 

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Build up to the revolution for the Bolsheviks

Kerensky was unable to find any reliable troops to arrest the Bolsheviks. He fled Petrograd dressed as a nurse in a car borrowed from the American embassy. 

24th-25th October- Revolution began- 

Trotsky quickly assembled the Military Revolutionary Committee and sent out small detachments of Red Guards to hold key positions. 

Following morning people continued as normal and by the afternoon Bolshevik units assembled in front of the Winter Palace. 

Lenin now had the power. 

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