The Holderness coast line

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 09-05-22 11:35
What material are most of the cliffs made of?
till ('boulder clay')
1 of 10
Why is the material prone to mass movement?
Boulder clay is prone to slumping when it gets wet because of the extra lubrication and the increased weight on the cliff face.
2 of 10
In which direction is material transported down the coastline?
prevailing winds from the North East transport material Southwards.
3 of 10
Where the ocean ------- meets the out flow of the ------ river the flow becomes turbulent therefore -------- is deposited.
4 of 10
Name 3 distinctive coastal features along the Holderness coastline
wave-cut platforms
sand dunes
slumping cliffs
5 of 10
Which hard engineering methods are installed along the coastline?
concrete sea wall
timber groynes
rock groynes
6 of 10
Why are the existing schemes not sustainable?
1) the groynes trap sediment increasing the width of beaches in the area but starve beaches and erode cliffs strongly down drift.
2) A reduction in sediment along the Humber Estuary increases the risk of flooding.
3) Expensive to maintain the hard enginee
7 of 10
What is the overall consensus in possible schemes for Holderness?
Over the next 50 years - 'hold the line' at some settlements
'do nothing' along less populated stretches
Maintain the revetments protecting the land around the Easington Gas Terminal
8 of 10
Where is Holderness?
East Yorkshire
9 of 10
Why are farmers cross and vulnerable?
Their land is lost each year along the cliff, affecting their livelihoods.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Why is the material prone to mass movement?


Boulder clay is prone to slumping when it gets wet because of the extra lubrication and the increased weight on the cliff face.

Card 3


In which direction is material transported down the coastline?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where the ocean ------- meets the out flow of the ------ river the flow becomes turbulent therefore -------- is deposited.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 3 distinctive coastal features along the Holderness coastline


Preview of the front of card 5
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