The gunpowder plot (1605)

What happened in 1603?
King James VI of Scotland also became King James I of England
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Was James Catholic or Protestant?
Protestant, but many Catholics believed they would be able to worship more freely under his reign
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When did James introduce a new law against Catholics which meant they were treated harsher?
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Why did James pass this law?
He believed having two religions in England would cause disunity
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What was the relationship between Elizabeth I and the pope? Give dates.
In 1559, Elizabeth passed the Act of Uniformity, making Protestantism the main religion in England
She was excommunicated by the pope in 1570
The pope then called upon loyal catholics to remove Elizabeth from the throne
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What year did the gunpowder plot take place?
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Who led the gunpowder plot?
Robert Catesby
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How many plotters were there?
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What was the motive for the gunpowder plot?
The plotters were catholic and wanted to blow up Parliament and James I, replacing him with a catholic monarch
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What was the job of Guy Fawkes?
he was to fill the cellar they rented below parliament with about 36 barrels of gunpowder
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How was he busted?
An anonymous letter warning of the danger was shown to Robert Cecile, the kings chief minister and the cellars were searched
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What then happened to Guy Fawkes?
He was tortured in the Tower of London until he shared the names of other plotters and was forced to sign a confession
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What happened to the other plotters?
They managed to escape however were later caught by government soldiers and some, including Catesby were killed in the fighting
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After this, what was the punishment for those remaining?
They were found guilty of treason and sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered
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What does being hung drawn and quartered mean?
You are hung and then taken down just before death, then your bodies and cut open and your intestines pulled out. Finally your limbs and head is cut off
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Why was such a harsh form of punishment used?
To deter any other rebellions from Catholics
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What were the effects of the gunpowder plot on catholics?
- In 1606, the popish recusants act required catholics to swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch and participate in church services
- They were restricted from owning land or becoming MPs
- They were not permitted to vote until 1829
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who did the plotters want on the throne?
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give names of 3 plotters
any of: Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter, John Wright, Thomas Percy etc
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Was James Catholic or Protestant?


Protestant, but many Catholics believed they would be able to worship more freely under his reign

Card 3


When did James introduce a new law against Catholics which meant they were treated harsher?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did James pass this law?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the relationship between Elizabeth I and the pope? Give dates.


Preview of the front of card 5
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