The Gospel of Mark


1. What is another reason Mark is unique among the four Gospels?

  • It includes notes taken from Jesus' diary
  • It is the shortest Gospel and probably the last written
  • It is the shortest Gospel and probably the first written
  • We do not know who wrote it.
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which is true about the Temple?

  • It was managed by the priests
  • There was only one- in Jerusalem
  • All of the above
  • It was the only place where sacrifices could be made

3. Which is true about the synagogue?

  • They were managed by the Pharisees
  • Each one had an open scroll of Isaiah
  • All of the above
  • There was one in every district

4. Who was a dessert community and taught purity by water and separation?

  • Essenes
  • Pharisees
  • Sadducees
  • Zealots

5. What is one reason Mark unique among the four Gospels?

  • It contains the most references to Jesus claiming to be God
  • It starts with Jesus' genealogy (family lineage)
  • It emphasizes Jesus' actions rather than his teachings
  • It is the only Gospel to explain the birth of John the Baptist


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