The Fight-or Flight response

When is the amygdala moblised?
when the body is under theat
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How does the amygdala respond when stimulated?
It asociates sensory signals with the apropriate emotions such as fear and anger fro fight or flight. It then sends a signal to the hypothalamus
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How does the hypothalamus respond to the signal sent by the amygdala?
It becomes the command centre of the body, using the sympathetic nervous system to commubnicate wit hte rest of the body
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What are the two systems of dealing with stress in the body?
acute and chronic stressors
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How does the sympathetic nervous system respond to an acute stressor?
It prepares the body for the quick movment needed for fight or flight. It sends a signal to the adrenal medula which secreates adrenaline into the bloodstream
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What are the physiological changes caused by adrenaline in response to acute stress?
Heart beats faster, in order to push more blood to the muscles. blood pressure increases. breathing rate increases to oxyginate the blood. glucous and fats are released into the bloodstream for energy
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How does the parasympathetic nervous system help recover after a period of acute stress?
It dampens down the physioloigical effects of the SNS and restores digestion
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What happens when the threat is ongoing?
the hypothalamus triggers the HPA axis
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What is the H of the HPA axis?
The Hypothalamus releases CRH into the bloodstream
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What is the P of the HPA axis?
When the CRH reaches the Pituitery gland it secreats ATCH
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What is the A of the HPA axis?
the ATCH astimulates the Adrenal cortex to release various stress related hormones, such as Cortisol.
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what are the positive effects of Cortisol on physiology?
lowered senstivity to pain and faster reactions
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what are the negetive effects of Cortisol on physiology?
impaired congnitve ability and lowered imune response
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E1: What does Taylor (2000) suggest is the female equivilent of fight-or-flight?
The tend-and-befriend response
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E1: What is tending?
Protecting themselves and their young through nurturing behaqviours
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E1: What is befriending?
forming a strong alliance with other women
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E1: What is Taylor's (2000) reasoning for the differnt response to stress?
Because females are more likly to be primery caregivers, responding wuith fight-or-flight would put the infant at risk and limit their chances of passing on their genes
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does the amygdala respond when stimulated?


It asociates sensory signals with the apropriate emotions such as fear and anger fro fight or flight. It then sends a signal to the hypothalamus

Card 3


How does the hypothalamus respond to the signal sent by the amygdala?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two systems of dealing with stress in the body?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does the sympathetic nervous system respond to an acute stressor?


Preview of the front of card 5
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