The Emigrée by Carol Rumens

What is a powerful theme in the Emigrée?
Duality - the positive view and negative view of the city.
1 of 10
What is meant by "that November"?
The worst time of the city.
2 of 10
What is symbolized by the repetition of "Sunlight" at the end of each stanza?
It shows that the authors positive view of her city that still remains.
3 of 10
What is implied by "time rolls its tanks"?
That War is inevitable.
4 of 10
"It may now be a lie, banned by the state" Is an example of what?
5 of 10
"White streets" and "White plane" both signify what?
6 of 10
Why does she say "My City"?
It shows it is her ideal memory of the city that she holds, not the real version.
7 of 10
What imagery does "City of Walls" suggest?
Destruction - the ruins of a bombed out city. Also limitation, confinement and a lack of hope.
8 of 10
Who could the people who "circle" the author be? They "accuse her of being dark in their free city".
Terrorists or Revolutionaries?
9 of 10
What does the phrase "My shadow falls as evidence of sunlight" mean?
There has to be despair to be hope.
10 of 10

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Card 2


What is meant by "that November"?


The worst time of the city.

Card 3


What is symbolized by the repetition of "Sunlight" at the end of each stanza?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is implied by "time rolls its tanks"?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"It may now be a lie, banned by the state" Is an example of what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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