The CPU is...
The brain of the computer it processes data and performs arithmetic operations and logical operations.
1 of 12
Fetch is...
the part of the cpu where instructions are retrieved from main memory to the cpu.
2 of 12
Decode is...
The stage where instructions are checked and validated.
3 of 12
Execute is...
The stage where instructions are carried out.
4 of 12
Program counter is...
The part of The cpu that keeps track of the address of the next instruction.
5 of 12
Instruction register is...
The part of the cpu that holds the instruction while itis being decoded and executed.
6 of 12
Data bus is...
This carries the instruction from main memeory to the cpu.
7 of 12
Control bus is...
Sends and receives signals that control the CPU and other components.
8 of 12
Address Bus is...
Carries memory address of the memory location.
9 of 12
Memory address register is...
This is where the program counter value is transferred while instructions are being fetched.
10 of 12
Memory data register is...
This is a buffer for data passing between RAM and the CPU in ethier direction.
11 of 12
Control unit is...
This checks whetherthe instruction is valid before it is carried out.
12 of 12

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Card 2


the part of the cpu where instructions are retrieved from main memory to the cpu.


Fetch is...

Card 3


The stage where instructions are checked and validated.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The stage where instructions are carried out.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The part of The cpu that keeps track of the address of the next instruction.


Preview of the back of card 5
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